Choose Gratitude!

In today’s upside down world, we are exposed to a lot of fear and negativity with the worry of Covid, politics, and a whole array of bad news, and it’s very easy to get caught up in the negative mindset.

But since Thanksgiving is around the corner, I thought it would be great to post about gratitude and how important it is to be thankful.

There are a lot of studies and research done on gratitude. The study I love was done by Dr. Robert A. Emmons and Dr. Michael E. McCullough. They organized three groups of participants. The first group was asked to write about things and situations that came up during the week that they are grateful for, and the second group was to write about daily irritations or things that displeased them, and the third was to write about events that affected them, with no thought to whether the event was positive or negative. 

After ten weeks, the first group that wrote about gratitude not only were more optimistic, but they felt better about their lives. They exercised more and had fewer visits to a doctor, than those who focused on aggravation and irritation.  

This study showed that gratitude somehow influences your perspective on life - and who wouldn’t want to feel better and live a more optimistic life?

Practicing gratitude is a great way to foster appreciation and contentment. While some people have an easier time being thankful and it almost seems second nature to them, others have to practice it. 

If you are looking for ways to cultivate gratitude, the following list of exercises may help. 

Keep A Journal - Make it a habit to remember things you are thankful for. Whether it’s a physical journal or you are using the notepad on your phone, processing thoughts of gratitude will help this become second nature. 

Count Your Blessings - Reflect on the amazing things that went right or things you are grateful for. Best practice would be to pick a time to mentally go over this list - whether it’s right when you wake up or before you fall asleep, going over this positive list will cultivate gratitude.

Write a Thank-You Note - Express your gratitude to another person and write them a thank you note explaining why you are thankful that they are in your life, and why you appreciate them. 

One thing we at Wright Cleaning Services Inc are so grateful for is our customers and our staff! Our customers trust us to provide reliable staff to get the job done and are following the industry’s highest cleaning standard to ensure workers will get home safe to their families. 


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