Personal Protective Equipment

Workplace safety has been an important conversations for years, but now in 2020, it has be elevated to a whole other level. In just a few months, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) has become more necessary than ever before. In this tumultuous time we are living in, we understand that PPE is essential for your business. Workers are now required to wear PPE while working to help keep themselves safe and as well as protect others.

Two Reasons Why We Need PPE

  1. It Keeps Your Workers Safe

Personal is the first word in PPE  which says a lot. It protects your employees from getting sick from viruses or bacteria that they might come into contact with. . It’s important to protect your employees, which in turn will result in less sick days for them, and they know you appreciate them and are willing to spend money to keep them safe. PPE is replaceable, they are not. 

PPE is not longer just for health care professionals. Walk into any restaurant, store or office building, and certain PPE gear will be required. 

2) PPE Protects your Business

Did you know that sanctions and legal actions can be taken if you are not supplying employees with proper PPE? In many parts of the country, PPE is required to be provided by the employer. Protect your business from workplace injuries and the spread of disease. Encourage your employees to wear the protective gear properly. 

At Wright Cleaning Services Inc, our professional cleaners wear PPE, and take the utmost safety precautions to make sure they are safe, as well as go above and beyond for your place of business. Our cleaning practices and procedures are governed by public health’s best practices, and our goal is to provide a healthy work environment so you and your employees can fee safe and stay healthy. We also screen our employees to make sure that they are showing up for work in tip top shape, with no signs or symptoms of Covid. 

PPE is an important stop to reducing sickness, and the transmission of viruses and bacteria. We make sure we remove personal protective equipment safely, and dispose of it safely. 

PPE is critical to the health and safety of all employees, and any people they come into contact with. Stay safe by providing it to your employees and customers!


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