Covid 19 Best Cleaning Practices

Preventing the spread of Covid-19 is vital, not only because we want to prevent sickness of our employees and their families, but because it is imperative to avoiding future lockdowns that threaten to close down businesses. As such, it is essential that owners and operators of commercial business take precautions to keep their staff, customers and their businesses safe. The following precautions have been taken from a variety of sources including Health Canada, to help create a safe workplace environment. All sections of our society, including employers and businesses, must play a role in limiting the spread of Covid if we are to stop the spread of this disease.

Creating a Cleaning Procedure

It is recommended that offices and commercial buildings develop a regular sanitation schedule schedule. Surfaces that are frequently touched with hands are most likely to be contaminated. This includes doorknobs, handrails, faucet handles, elevator buttons, light switches and electronics. It is not known yet how long the virus can live on a surface for, but evidence suggests it can live on surfaces from a few hours to a few days. 

Choose products that clean and disinfects. Using disinfectants and sanitizers will help keep surfaces clean and kill any virus that is on a surface. It is important to note that there is a difference between cleaning products and disinfectants. Cleaning products remove dirt, germs and impurities from a surface. They do not necessarily kill germs.  On the other hand, disinfecting products will germs on surfaces using chemicals. 

Businesses need to create new protocols and procedures for cleaning offices. This will help ensure that the space is getting cleaned properly, and help determine which areas need to be focused on. As mentioned above, in addition to routine cleaning, surfaces and spaces that are more frequently touched should be disinfected more often. 


It is also helpful to put up signs that will help get your workplace ready for Covid-19. Signs promoting regular hand washing, encouraging wiping surfaces regularly and keeping workplaces clean and hygienic will help prevent the spread of Covid. You can download signs from the WHO website. 

If you follow these recommendation, you can significantly lower the risk of the spread of COVID-19. 


Heroes of Environmental Infection Prevention


Medical Office Cleaning